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Flood Insurance

Anywhere it rains, it can flood. A flood is a general and temporary condition where two or more acres of normally dry land or two or more properties are inundated by water or mudflow. Many conditions can result in a flood: hurricanes, broken levees, outdated or clogged drainage systems and rapid accumulation of rainfall. During our spring season here in the west floods can happen as melted snow makes its way into our rivers and streams.

Since standard homeowners insurance doesn't cover flooding, it's important to have protection. At Aloha State Insurance we provide flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and through private carriers.

In 1968, Congress created the NFIP to help provide a means for property owners to financially protect themselves. Congress mandated federally regulated or insured lenders to require flood insurance on properties that are located in areas at high risk of flooding. The NFIP offers flood insurance to homeowners, renters, and business owners if their community participates in the NFIP. Participating communities agree to adopt and enforce ordinances that meet or exceed FEMA requirements to reduce the risk of flooding.

There are alternatives to the NFIP that offer broader coverage and can be less expensive. If you are looking for flood coverage on your home or business, let Aloha State Insurance do the work to find the right coverage for you. If you are looking for coverage to satisfy bank requirements to close a loan, we have carriers that will bind your policy as soon as payment is made and provide you with the necessary documents to close.

Phone: 808.212.9412 | clifford@alohastateinsurance.com
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